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LOCAL Physiotherapy Blog

Vertigo and Dizziness: What’s the difference?

Apr 29, 2021 | Vertigo

Did you know that dizziness is the #1 reason that people over 65 visit their Doctor? Or that vestibular dysfunction (inner ear) leads to a 12x increase in the risk of falls? Dizziness and vertigo are often used interchangeably however these are two different symptoms with different causes. 

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is the sensation of spinning, often brought on with head movements. Vertigo is caused by problems with your inner ear, also known as your vestibular system.

What is Dizziness?

Dizziness is used to describe a wide range of sensations like imbalance, wooziness, or feeling faint. Dizziness can have a wide range of causes including neck dysfunction, medications, vision problems, blood pressure, neurological disorders, and many more

Vertigo and dizziness are very common and can be caused by many different things, making a proper assessment key in finding out why you feel that way 

How does physiotherapy help vertigo and dizziness?

A rehab program for dizziness or vertigo may involve repositioning maneuvers, balance exercises, eye exercises, neck treatment, and strengthening exercises. Everyone’s needs are different! That’s why our vestibular therapists are expertly trained in finding the root cause of your symptoms and putting the right program together to get you feeling yourself again. 

Are you feeling dizzy? Think LOCAL


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